Be a Gardening Goddess

Not everyone has a green thumb; fortunately, you can train yourself to “grow” one. Follow these quick gardening tips, and everyone will assume you’ve been at this for years, even if you don’t know a fork from a trowel.

#1 Dress the Part

Have you ever heard the phrases, “dress for the job you want” or “fake it till you make it?” Well, they both apply here, even if you don’t know what you’re doing in the garden, you can look like you do. Start with a pair of durable gardening gloves, a hat to keep the sun off your face (we love this option), and clothes that won’t mind a layer of dirt.

#2 Group Like Plants

Whether you’re using containers or planting in beds, group sun plants with sun plants and shade plants with shade plants. Since their light and watering requirements are similar, they will have a better chance of thriving. Plus, it makes maintenance and watering much easier.

#3 Water Wisely

Speaking of watering, it’s important to give your plants the right amount of water. Check the moisture level of the soil and add water when it feels dry. As a general rule of thumb, water your plants every day during peak summer temperatures. If you’re concerned you are overwatering go back to checking the moisture levels and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Of course, every plant is different, so be sure to research your selection’s watering needs and follow its cues. Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated, too. Keep this tumbler close at hand as you pot plants and weed the garden.

#4 Provide a Meal

Blooms can benefit (and multiply) when they are fed, so consider giving your garden a bit of plant food. Again, look to your plant tag or do a bit of research to see what your plants might like best. Plants like to be fed about every two weeks for best results.

#5 Pick Your Posies

Don’t let all that hard work go to waste, be sure to cut a few of your blooms to arrange in a vase, so you can enjoy their beauty both indoors and out. They also make great get-well gifts or birthday presents.