Born in the USA

Shopping local and purchasing American-made goods are ways of life for many of us. With America’s 242nd birthday on the horizon, now is a better time than ever to pick up a few finds made right here in the good ol’ U.S.A. Here’s a look at some of our favorite Made in America pieces.


This made-in-the-USA, skinny bracelet is handcrafted and fully adjustable to fit any wrist size, and it bears an important, uplifting message for ALL women: “Nevertheless, She Persisted.” Bonus: It’s made from recycled, lead-free pewter.

STYLIST TIP: Pair monochromatic silver, gold, or rose gold cuffs with a tee that features stars or stripes (or both!) for an effortless yet sophisticated Fourth of July look.


Knotty pine is the background for the wise words on this “Key to Happiness” plaque that was handcrafted in the United States. Take it’s meaning to heart or gift it to a friend who is going through a rough patch.

STYLIST TIP: Create a “sayings wall” by grouping together a number of plaques that feature favorite phrases in a gallery-type grid.


This sweet mermaid is another American-made find that can add style to your home—specifically to the outdoors. Whether you live near the beach or are just fond of the sea, this decorative piece will serve as a reminder of your happy place.

STYLIST TIP: Place stones or statues in prominent locations of the garden where plants might not thrive. They’ll add interest in areas that could otherwise be overlooked.


Americans are funny—especially Erin Smith, the creative behind these laugh-out-loud sayings. Girlfriends who swing by for a beer are sure to enjoy these humorously stated coasters as much as you will.

STYLIST TIP: Keep coasters in plain sight in all of your communal spaces. Your guests won’t have to hunt for a napkin or hold onto their drinks in an effort to protect your furniture.