I Resolve to...

What's that saying? "A new year, a new you?" While you may not want to totally reinvent yourself, it's likely you've made a few resolutions now that 2019 is in sight. As you navigate these resolutions, we're here to help with a few tips for everything on your list.

RESOLUTION #1: Get organized.

The bustle of the holiday season can leave us all feeling a little scattered and, perhaps, a little cluttered. First things first, tackle this goal by making lists of the areas you need to address and give your self a little mental organization. These Productive Note Pads are a fun way to get started.

RESOLUTION #2: Let go of the past.

If you resolve to turn a corner in 2019, you're not alone. Give yourself freedom from bad relationships, work matters, sickness, or any other number of things that have brought you down in the past. And have a little fun along the way. For example, if you've gone through a tough divorce, this tongue-in-cheek jar might bring a smile to your face, or consider deferring to the unpleasantness-equals-cookie method advocated by this plaque.

RESOLUTION #3: Get outside more often.

It's time for some fresh air, friends! Dig in the garden, go for a hike, or take a walk around the neighborhood. Need a little extra cheer in your yard? Even on the dreariest of days these Solar Flower Stakes, which in illuminate at night, are sure to bring a smile to your face when you step outside.

RESOLUTION #4: Care for four-legged friends.

If you've made it your mission to care for cats and dogs, then celebrate it. Decorate your home with paw-friendly finds like this I Kissed a Cat Pillow. Or treat yourself to something both you and the dog will enjoy, a Beware of Kisses Leash.

RESOLUTION #5: Make memories and have fun!

Whether you have all of the aforementioned resolutions or none of them on your 2019 list, you should add this one. Life is short, so make the most of each experience. From a trip to the beach to an afternoon spent baking cookies, savor each moment. We love the Making Memories Shadow Box for collecting pictures and mementos.