Erin Smith art was born from a place that many are afraid to go. Never at a loss for words, she decided to document what she knew everybody was pretty much thinking anyway. Overwhelmingly, people all over the world have embraced her sentiments with shocked gasps of, "I thought it was just ME!" Inspired be the family photo album her grandmother gave her, Erin combines her family photos (really!) with found objects, original paintings and digital media. Fueled by sarcasm, the desire for a drama free life, and knowing that taking it 'one day at a time' is a euphemism for a typical day being a melting iceberg instead of warm sand and a rum drink...... she is like you, and needs to see as much humor in each day as she can. Erin lives in Atlanta where she is the mom to two twenty something boys and two rescue dogs. She loves the ocean and the mountains, gardening and sleeping, and anything having to do with wallpaper.
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