Miss Mavis

Miss Mavis Stevens is a folk artist who specializes in Fiber Art. She loves to sew and spends a lot of time creating for my company, “Miss Mavis’ Fun House. “ She was born in Butler, Ga. When she was 7, there was a Street Fair. It was such a big deal the streets were closed off. She thought that was amazing! At this event was Eddie Martin, a folk artist ahead of his time. He wore his colorful dashiki, and she so wanted just to touch him. And so, she discovered my passion. On the night Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, her mother and her friend started knitting. They let her play with some scraps of yarn, and she created a beautiful afghan. The adults were blown away that she had achieved this. Then when I was 15, my cousin suggested I sign up for a festival. People gave me money for my work, that was it! After that, I had my career as an artist!

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